
Project Haystack

21 Jan
Project Haystack Organization Announces New Members and Haystack 4 Educational Session During AHR Expo 2020

Project Haystack Organization Announces New Members and Haystack 4 Educational Session During AHR Expo 2020

This morning Project Haystack issued a Press Release announcing the latest companies that have joined our growing list of Project Haystack Associate Members and we also made mention that Project Haystack, specifically John Petze and Marc Petock, will be presenting one of the free educational industry sessions sponsored by during AHR Expo 2020, Haystack 4 - What it is and Why it Matters, on Tuesday, February 4th.

Resolute Building Intelligence and KODE Labs are the latest companies to join the Project Haystack Organization.

20 Jan
Simplifying Data Collection and Analysis Through Haystack

Simplifying Data Collection and Analysis Through Haystack

Desigo Optic is built on Haystack 4, which offers a standardized tagging model that helps simplify the data, leading to more powerful results.

Desigo Optic, powered by FIN Framework, provides a highly-efficient building automation solution with enhanced integration across numerous third-party systems. With Project Haystack semantic data models and tagging features, Desigo Optic offers better workflows for integration, creation of graphics, trend analysis and overall building management. Built for small to medium-sized buildings, but scalable to grow with the building and property portfolio’s needs.


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