Announcing: 9th Issue of Project Haystack Connections Magazine and Four New Associate Members!
The Project Haystack organizations is pleased to announce the publication of the Spring 2021 Connections Magazine! This ninth issue commemorates the 10th Anniversary of Project Haystack, founded in 2011, and the commitment of the community to perfect data tagging and further solidify the value brought by the Project Haystack open-source methodology of semantic tagging for the built environment and beyond.
Today, we are also proud to announce four new Associate Member companies have joined the organization just in the past month: Allander Analytics, Automated Logic, Buildings IOT and Clockworks Analytics.
The member companies and supporters of Project Haystack continue expanding the standards for semantic modeling methodology and building on the tagging libraries for more and more applications. This community-driven, open-source process is engaging more and more companies that work on different facets of specifying and implementation.