Connections Magazine


Advertising Opportunities

Project Haystack Connections Magazine Issue 10 January 2022 The Project Haystack Connections Magazine advertising program provides a very cost-effective way for companies that provide complementary products and services to reach the growing and dynamic Haystack Community. As sponsors and attendees of the recent Haystack Connect event can attest, this community is at the very forefront of applying advanced technology solutions for intelligent buildings and the IoT. Haystack Connections is a premier advertising vehicle for companies that offer complimentary technology products including hardware, software and services to reach this prime audience. Promoted via a variety of digital media outlets, the Project Haystack Connect Magazine is available to over 8,000 known readers and is an incredibly cost-effective advertising opportunity, as you can see from the rates below.  

Connections Magazine Fall 2023 Issue Advertising Deadlines

AD SPACE PURCHASE: September 22, 2023

ARTWORK SUBMITTED: October 13, 2023

PUBLISHING DATE: October 31, 2023


Choose Your Ad Space

Full Page Ad


  • 8 1/2" W x 11" H
  • Color or Black & White
  • Link to Your Website
  • Purchase is for advertising in one single issue of Connections Magazine.

Half Page Ad


  • 8 1/2" W x 5 1/2" H
  • Color or Black & White
  • Link to Your Website
  • Purchase is for advertising in one single issue of Connections Magazine.

Quarter Page Ad


  • 4 1/4" W x 5 1/2" H
  • Color or Black & White
  • Link to Your Website
  • Purchase is for advertising in one single issue of Connections Magazine.

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