
Project Haystack

About Project Haystack

Project Haystack is a 501(c) tax-exempt non-stock corporation formed May 28, 2014 under the provisions of Chapter 10 of Title 13.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950. The corporation functions as a trade association with the purpose of fostering the common association and interests of software and technology companies focused on developing semantic modeling solutions for data related to smart devices including: building equipment systems, automation and control devices, sensors and sensing devices, promotion and education with respect to the semantic data modeling industry for building automation systems, and to engage in educational activities directed towards the improvement of business conditions of the semantic data modeling industry for smart device data, all on a not-for-profit basis, as provided in Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”).

All work developed by the Project Haystack community is provided for use as open source software under the Academic Free License 3.0.

Why Project Haystack?

Macro trends in technology are making it increasingly cost effective to instrument and collect data about the operations and energy usage of buildings. We are now awash in data and the new problem is how to make sense of it. Today most operational data has poor semantic modeling and requires a manual, labor intensive process to "map" the data before value creation can begin.

Pragmatic use of naming conventions and taxonomies can make it more cost effective to analyze, visualize, and derive value from our operational data.

Who Should Participate?

Project Haystack encompasses the entire value chain of building systems and related intelligent devices. Owners and consultants can specify that Haystack conventions are used in their building automation systems to ensure cost effective analytics and management of their buildings for years to come.

System integrators and manufacturers who integrate Haystack support into their projects and products are better positioned for the future of providing value-added services.

Open Source

The Haystack community and all associated intellectual property is managed as an open source project using the Academic Free License 3.0. Anyone is free to participate as long as contributed IP is licensed under the AFL. This ensures that Haystack IP is open and freely available for any commercial use.

Our Founding Members

The management and operations of the Corporation are governed by a Board of Directors of the Project Haystack Corporation. Board members are appointed by the following companies that participated and funded the formation of the Corporation.

  • Clockworks Analytics

Our Associate Members

In addition, the Bylaws provide for an Associate Membership level. The following companies are Associate Members.

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